Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Research - Thriller Survey Analysis

I have analysed three of the questions which I asked my target audience to fill out. I have chosen these three questions specifically due to me feeling as though they will be the most influential upon my trailer and i should really refer back to these during the production of it.

 This question was to find out more about the editing side of my trailer as it is important I tailor it to something that my audience will want and enjoy watching. From this I found out that a large proportion of my target audience (94%) would want fast paced editing during the trailer. This is what I predicted as I feel the fast paced editing really and a professional and interesting feel to the trailer as it created a great deal of suspense and my target audience of teenagers and young adults enjoy this.

 My next question I analysed was whether my audience like it when trailers give an in-depth look into the lives of the characters so you get a better understanding of who they are and can judge them on this. It was clear form this graph that my audience prefer it when you wait until the film for this kind of information. I very much agree with this as I feel like it detracts form the suspense and dampens the desire to then go and see the film to find out more. So it is very important to now make sure in my trailer I preserve the identities of my characters in order to create mystery for my audience.

The final question which I analysed was whether my audience liked seeing the names of the actors during the trailer. I was very curious as to the response of this question as I myself didn't know whether this would make the trailer either look more professional or not fit well with the genre. However it was shown in my graph that more wouldn't want an actors name during the trailer, (although this is only by 2 more people) so I will abide by the most popular vote to make sure my trailer is suited to my target audience. 

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